ACE Media
The ACE(Autonomous Content Entity) IST project: The aceMedia project aimed to create a framework, combining advances in knowledge, semantics and multimedia processing technologies, to support self-analysing, self-annotating, and self-adapting content. aceMedia was a 4 year IST 6th framework Integrated Project which started in January 2004 with 13 partners from industrial and academic domains collaborate and was co-ordinated by Motorola. Belgavox was a member of this consortium.
The MEMORIES project (IST project n°053500): focused on the SOUND Media Chain by improving of the acquisition and retrieval processes, contributing to the definition of an “Open Exchange Format”, mainly the OAIS reference model (ISO 14 721), evaluating and validating by using a demonstrator fed with a large spectrum of domain of applications. Titan was an inspiring indirect member of this consortium.
AXIS (Asset eXchange packages for Interoperable Systems): first draft!
For a long time, a perennial archiving combined with the Information Technologies was deemed unfeasible. Today, with the advances in technology and with the adoption of new strategies, reliable solutions become possible. This now allows the creation of perennial archives that can be exploited and enriched in a flexible and easy way. Through automation and an evolutionary IT maintenance, the perpetuity of the archiving could then be assured for centuries!
To achieve long-term accessibility viability, SIP, AIP, and DIP architectures can be organized as autonomous entities: Autonomous Assets Entities (AAE). The work aims to define the necessary theoretical foundations: metadata, configurator, ontological and semantic indexing, controls, synchronizations, physical support / data, proxies, etc.
The organization of the management of media content according to the SIP – AIP – DIP architecture and the profiles, the foundation of the creation of these autonomous entities (AAE), offers a great flexibility in the means of distribution and brings sustainability to the archives.
AXIS (Asset eXchange Interactive System) is a dynamic of the non-profit organization TITAN, based on the OAIS approach and aiming to define and promote:
- An open realistic architecture
- A definition of the implementation of this Architecture
- A commercial offer supporting this dynamic
The intention of TITAN is to provide architectural and technical specifications of AXIS, and the associated source code of the SDK, that once this information has been consolidated and validated by ongoing projects. This delivery will be based on an open license agreement (GNU type or equivalent) defining the rules for free use of this information and code..