EBU Core

The EBUCore defines a set of concepts, relationships and properties that apply to MEDIA. This is a part of metadata that can be used to describe any multimedia content. It is based on a model of metadata, Dublin Core. The compatibility of AXIS-CSRM with the EBUCore has been checked. Elements of the mapping will be presented in the third part.

TheEBUCorewas firstpublished in 2000as a set ofdefinitions for theaudioarchives.At that time, XML was in its infancyand its use hasincreased dramatically since, requiring a more structuredto describeaudiovisual contentinformation.In addition, other more semanticlanguages havegreatly influenced theway of modelingaudio-visualobject.TheEBUCorefollowed thisevolutioninto what itis today: aDublinCoreMedia.

In 2001, the first version of the EBUCore comprised 15 elements that were almost identical to the basic Dublin Core.

The EBUCore RDF / OWL scheme implements an example of the CCDM (Conceptual Data Model Class) of the EBU. Terms were selected for maximum harmonization with other audiovisual ontologies. Model hierarchy RDF EBUCore accurately reflects the structure of the XML schema EBUCore.

The EBUCore RDF / OWL schema also reflects the flexibility offered by the XMLSchema. Where ‘technical Attributes’ can be defined in XML, you simply need to add new’ ‘data Properties’ at RDF-OWL schema. Similarly, new classes can be added with names matching the needs of the performer, declaring equivalences.


EBUCore 1.4 takes into account latest developments in the Semantic Web and Linked Open Data communities. EBUCore 1.4 is available as a RDF ontology entirely compatible with the W3C Media Annotation Working Group ontology, which model is common and based on the EBU Class Conceptual Data Model (Tech.3351). A RDF/OWL representation of the EBUCore schema is given in Annex B. The definitions in EBUCore 1.4 have been refined. The schema structure has been reinforced for registration in EBU’s Class 13 in SMPTE. The EBU ontology has been updated to complement EBU’s CCDM (Tech 3351) and improve mapping with other ontologies of the audiovisual sector such as MediaMap.

TheEBUCore1.5 integrates an audio format modelling (ADM – Audio Data Modelling) defined in Tech 3364, and has been updated to reflect discussions around its adoption in ITU.

ln 2015 the version l.6 of this standard has taken into account the latest developments in the Semantic Web and Linked Open Data communities. EBUCore 1.6 is available as an RDF ontology entirely compatible with the W3C Media Annotation Working Group ontology, which model is common. The EBUCore 1.6 Ontology has been updated to complement EBU’s CCDM (Conceptual Class Data Model – Tech 3351) and improve mapping with other ontologies. EBUCore RDF is Iisted as Linked Open Vocabulary as well as RDF-Vocab for Ruby developers. 

The definitions in EBUCore 1.6 have been refined and the schema structure has been reinforced for registration in EBU’s Class 13 in SMPTE (SMPTE: Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, an American organization setting standards for Motion Images). Thus creation of version 1.6 was motivated to enhance business cooperation between European and US producers and to be in phase with developments undertaken at the International Telecommunication Union level (ITU: the United Nations specialized agency for Information and Communication Technologies ICTs).

The EBUCore 1.8 (schema and RDF) has incorporate extensions approved in EBUCore RDF like Artefacts, Props, Costumes and Food and also now the TextLine elements (for timed text in relation to scene), characters and other persons involved in that scene (with timestamps in the xsd to allow more precise time reference when). The xsd now contains two new elements: “emotion” and “action”. Of course, relations to a scene, time point or person/characters is fully supported.

The ADM part of the schema (audioFormatExtended) has been reviewed and corrected by Dolby. One of the corresponding changes is a direct import from xml.xsd and also the simple dc schema.

See : http://www.ebu.ch/metadata/ontologies/ebucore). 


Most of the concepts defined in the EBUCore are generic enough to be used in amateur/broadcast media management contexts, which corresponds with the AXIS-CSRM approach.

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