2008 – 2014: the founding projects


MediaMap (Eureka Celtic project): in order to improve the interoperability of theAV production and exploitation, the consortium dreamed up a logical/physical media model that encapsulates the media, a production intranet that interconnects different databases (internal and external) and built a customization of the view within the system. This middleware relies on four concepts: production and annotation ontology, a wrapper (USE: Unique Semantic Entity), a network (OSB: Open Semantic Bus interoperability with interoperability windows), and a personalized vision (VIEW).which has been reviewed both on European (Celtic Cluster) and national levels (France and Belgium) in May 2011. Perfect-Memory and Titan were members of this consortium managed by Vitec.


MediaMap+(Eureka CelticPlus):by including the best of professional practices for collaborative AV content production and exploitation, the MediaMap+ consortium developed a modelization of the supply chain has deeply simplify the current processes and provide innovative ways for exploiting content in the Web 3.0 semantic environment. A standardization body (EBU) has taken into account some of the concepts behind the improvement of the EBUCore. This consortium was built up by Kane Consulting (not eligible). Perfect-Memory and Titan were members of this consortium managed by SGT.

MediaMap+ has integrated a dynamic, low-entry and cost-effective semantic ecosystem into Media production/exploitation systems for 360° publishing requirements. Henceforth the individual users are at the center, without prejudging of their mode of consumption. This requires new architectures to produce interconnected rich content, paving the way to knowledge.

Main Focus:Based on concepts of the OAIS standard (ISO 14721:2012), the MediaMap+ project offers an open collaborative framework where various management and operation functions are fully integrated. The system manages transport and exchange of resources between applications and the collection of content that leave the production chains for exploitation. The information management concept is similar to a blood system which performs a conversion of the A, B and AB Groups to O (universal donor/receiver). Semantic technology offers a generic interoperability through standards, by construction, between heterogeneous systems, and in time; empowered semantic modelled objects, linked data & media through enhancement and enrichment; searching, discovering and serendipity findings; 360° publishing on many physical media and for specific devices; a global life cycle management (from prescription, through exploitation, archiving and re-use); full security and global rights management.

Approach: Semantic technologies emerge to meet the promise to switch from a document-oriented platform to a network where projects (processes and actions of a user) are structured by the eco-system. A semantic middleware allows such implementation like distributed activities, leads to converging contributions and prepares common ground and bridges between actors, between machines and between machines and actors.

Indeed, this requires take into account the role (what to do, as part of the action), the know-how (the skill, the technical background) and the data (context, profile management, interoperability windows) in the production of interfaces (Views).

The semantic middleware connects the different internal production layers (organisation, planning, production management, production engineering, asset management and distribution), ensures the consolidation of enriched information through a distributed architecture and provides the information exchange functions with the external knowledge bases.

The system owes its coherence to the fact that it integrates different configurations of the IT park in the form of files and data, technical description and its various components, as well as all the changes over time. It is to store and track different versions or revisions of any information handled in the system.

Computer knowledge management from the textual representation mobilized significant resources to transform the terms in relations in properties stored as internal representations organized as network properties. The concept of the Editorial Object integrates a semantic qualification wider than its title or description with a declaration of existence and an organized representation of its content.

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