Permanent forum
- Participation in various trade fairs, either directly (ACF, Days of New Technology) or through members (via Cediti at TMAB, EVS at Montreux, IBC and Sefor, ...).
- Participation in various conferences and meetings in Brussels (Telecommunications Forum, ACF, CSA, CESW, ...) Paris, Copenhagen (Infocities), Berlin, London, Strasbourg (Council of Europe).
- Participation at the Infocities project (European project april 98 to april 99) in association with the city of Liege.
- Development of a web site.
- Publication of terms or reference for a digital decoder technical specifications of an IRD A1-A2.
- Development of layer model for all interactive services broadcasting information leading to the formulation of a legal framework (may 1995 - may 1996).
- Publication of a brochure: "L'avenir par le numérique" (november 1995).