Past projects

Digital transmission

Initiate the first digital transmission ever on cable networks in Belgium (June 95 – June 96).

OSCAR (Open & Secure Control of Access & Rights)

Experimentation showing the feasibility of an open conditional access system based on thrusted third parties (an architecture developed by Titan under the acronym of OSCAR : open and secure control of access and rights) (June 95 – December 96).

National Host ACTS (1995)

National Host: welcome infrastructure for the European ACTS program (1995)

Digital experimentation centre

Conception and installation of a digital experimentation centre based on MPEG 2 standards.

Prototype of interactive digital television multiplex

development of a prototype of digital television multiplex incorporating data relative to news bulletin items in the form of texts, photos, graphs …(summer 98).

Hannover 2000

The Titan association initiated the idea of formulating a project for the “Hannover 2000” World Exhibition

RIMES(Rushes Indexing Multimedia eXchange System) 

In collaboration with Skema, Panasonic, RTBF, etc..

The project AIDAR: Addressing & Indexing Documents Multimedia Aided Tehcnologies Speech Recognition

In collaboration with Voice-Insight and the University of Brussels (ULB).

© 2000 - 2025 Titan asbl Fédération Wallonie
Bruxelles C/o Jean-Louis Blanchart - Local 2C134 - Blvd Léopold II, 44 - B-1080 Bruxelles - Belgique T +32 475 49 17 71